
Recognising rangatiratanga through co-management : the Waikato River system

Samuel George Wevers 2013 Exposes the complexities posed by the different co-management regimes of Māori and the NZ government, analysing varying ways that power is shared with Māori with regard to natural resources. Considers whether the case of the Waikato River co-management regime is consistent with the Treaty of Waitangi. Argues that co-management is a […]

An assessment of the eel population structure in the Waikato hydro-reservoirs and their tributaries with respect to elver stocking, up to 2013

January 2022 This study was initiated in partnership with hapū/iwi to assess the status of eel populations in selected Waikato hydro-reservoirs and tributaries. Eel populations have increased in the hydro-reservoirs and tributaries since elver trap-and-transfer operations began. Longfins were more widely distributed than shortfins in tributaries, but small shortfins dominated catches from hydro-reservoirs. Eel growth […]

Culture and collaborative conservation? Inter-cultural difference and the Maungatautari Project.

Harms, M. 2018 This thesis situates and examines the role of sociocultural difference and biculturalism in the Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain project, a multi-stakeholder community-based biodiversity conservation project in the Waikato region of New Zealand’s North Island. In the project, Mana Whenua (local indigenous Māori groups) and Pākehā (New Zealanders of British and European descent) from […]

Couchman, Alice. The river archive. MS thesis

Couchman, A. 2017 The concept of memory within architecture can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome. The focus of this topic is on the six principles and processes of memory described in Frances Yates’ book ‘The Art of Memory’. These qualities – visual/spatial orientation, limited sets, association, emotional affects and repetition – can […]

Feeding and nutrient excretion of the New Zealand freshwater mussel Echyridella menziesii

Hélène Cyr1 · Kevin J. Collier2 · Susan J. Clearwater3 · Brendan J. Hicks2 · Simon D. Stewart2 2016 Native freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida) can represent a large portion of benthic biomass, but their functional role is still poorly understood. We sampled Echyridella menziesii (Hyriidae) in six lakes from two regions of the North Island of New […]

Kūpapa Ki Raro, Titiro Ake

Papa, P. C. (1997). Kūpapa Ki Raro, Titiro Ake (Thesis, Te Tohu Paerua a te Kura Mātai Tōpū Tāngata). University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Ko tā te kaituhi e manaleo nei i roto i tēnei tuhinga, kia āta tirohia he aha ngā huarahi i whāia ai e ngā iwi o Pōhara, hei kawe i […]

Decolonizing Methodologies

Linda Tuhiwai Smith Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith’s (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Porou) essential text Decolonizing Methodologies is an extensive critique of Western paradigms of research and knowledge. Smith challenges traditional Western ways of knowing and researching and calls for the “decolonization” of methodologies, and for a new agenda of indigenous research. According to Smith, “decolonization” is concerned with […]